Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Winter Fun

If you live in the states (which I do) we are having a winter storm. Since I live in the south, I haven't experienced much winter weather. Anyway, earlier today I decided to go outside ( for the fith time in the past two days) and do a photoshoot and I decided to present it as a photostory. Hope you enjoy :)
*the "snow " is really ice*

It was winter and Sara was bored. Her horse, Bella was restless too. So she decided to go riding to see the land and have fun. 
Along the way, Bella's hooves got stuck in the snow so Sara had to work on geting her hooves unstuck. 
When they started moving again, Sara noticed that the snow was nice and white. "Perfect weather for playing in the snow", she thought. Even though Sara is fourteen she still enjoyed playing in the show. As they got farther all she could focus on was getting to the best spot of snow. 

Twenty two minutes later Sara said, "Woah,stop right here." Bella stopped trotting and waited for Sara to Speak. "Good girl Bella." That was the response she wanted to hear so she neighed in delight. Sara dismounted and gently sat in the snow. The weather was so nice at the time she came that she was more than ready to have fun. 

Sara can't make her mind up sometimes, so choosing what to do first was hard for her to do. She decided to make snow angels first, and Bella shook her head in agreement. Sara didn't make just one; she made two. 

After all that fun, she decided to make a snowman. She wanted to make a mini snowman to be different, but right before she could finish it, she accidentally knocked it over. ._.

Sara was a little annoyed at herself but still happy nevertheless. Bella meanwhile was kicking around the snow, having fun too. "Well Bella, it's time to go." Sara climbed back on and laughed when she saw that Bella had snow all over her. She looked down and realized she had snow on her too. 
Sara didn't really want to leave but it was getting colder, and she wanted hot chocolate so off they went. 

Hope you enjoyed the story and picture. 
Stay safe!

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